Hello dear readers, how are you doing? Maybe I shouldn’ ask this question at the moment? I still try to get my head around how life has changed since I had my operation and I suspect I am not the only one who thinks “reality” has become even more surreal than it was anyway.

However, my spiritual habits haven’t changed. I still send out my blessings to all of you daily. So if you feel like everything gets too much, know that someone thinks of you and believes you can do it!

image of small waerfalls with quote by Seneca
photo credit: Brainyquote

When I saw this quote, I immediately thought: “Now isn’t that true!”. All this panic buying that is going on all over the so-called “first” world societies is utterly driven by fear and not by reality. There is enough food. People just buy faster than any shop can fill up the shelves. And at the same time, food waste must have doubled because there is only so much you can eat no matter how much you hoard. What unnecessary waste that could have fed a nurse or cleaner who will help you when you get ill.

But enough of the moaning. We won’t do it if we concentrate on covidiots. Not that I have any answers but I strongly feel that motivating posts are more needed than ever. So I decided to step out of my cancer-induced reading spree and send you some encouragement, ideas and a giggle that might brighten your day.

gif source: giphy

Can you remember what day it is? Yes, it’s really Friday but I can’t get rid of the feeling that in quarantine countries that day has lost its valour. “We ARE home! Please let us out!” you might cry in desperation. Sorry, my dears, I can’t give that but guess what? There is a blog event for that 😉

Linda over at “Life in Progress” has started the “What day is it anyway” blog event. She invites us all to share a little of our new daily routines, struggles and successes. She writes: “

Why I’m writing this post:

Because if you’re like me and stuck at home already, or if you’re going to be like me soon, the days of the week are going to be hell to keep track of. We have a wonderful community here on WordPress and all over the Internet as well, and I’m sure many people are feeling nervous and/or isolated. I want to make sure every one of us has somewhere to congregate and someone to talk to.

I want everyone to know that you can start discussions with each other in the comments, and if you’d like to write your own “What Day is it Anyway?” post, you can link to this one. Hashtag #WDIIA.

Let’s keep in touch!

And I can only encourage you to take her up on the offer 🙂 . Here is her post from yesterday.

Yesterday, was the first day where I felt I could walk around a little and do something. It’s nearly a week that my operation was done ( lymph node clearance and removal of Tumor) and up to Wednesday, I was riddled with a drain and a bottle. The drain sat at the back under my left arm, which made sleeping a little tricky. At first, it didn’t bother me that much because I was still full of painkillers from the hospital. But on Monday my stomach had enough of all the chemicals it wasn’t used to so it put on a full-on revolt. After talking to my GP, I went on stomach tablets and left the more potent painkillers out. Paracetamol must do it. My stomach is now ok, but I am a little more in pain, and I felt the drain more. Luckily, it stopped draining by Tuesday, and the community nurse came along on Wednesday to take it out. What a relief. 🙂

I am posting this post at half twelve in the morning, so I can’t say much about today yet 😉 . Yesterday though I had for the first time some mind to start doing stuff. Yes, I am supposed to do stuff. No moving the furniture or writing for hours (typing with one hand is rather cumbersome I can tell you 🙂 ) but making a cup of tea and walking up the garden is absolutely fine. And that’s what I did. I even took to ripping out some dried up sweet peas so I could guide the new ones where I wanted them.

image of wooden trellis and sweet pea shoots growing along

Then I went inside and wrote this post. That’s currently enough to make me feel like I climbed Mount Everest 😉 . But don’t worry I’ll make it because I’m teaching myself to always look on the bright side of life.

video credit: Monty Python via YouTube

But humour aside what do you do all day at home? I assume if you have children or pets, it won’t be a problem to fill your time, but if you are alone? What about learning something new? Last year I had started a new download for my newsletter, which was called “101 Learning Possibilities for (mostly) free” and collected lots of links to pages where you can learn things for free. Some of them are entirely free, some have upgrades for their courses, and some just ask for a fee for proving you took part. In the next few days I’ll share some of them with you, and maybe you find something you always wanted to learn, and now you have the time to do it:

Academic Earth: The US site Academic Earth was launched in 2009 with the idea, that everybody deserves a high quality education. They started with college courses from first-class universities which are offered in video lists and broadened it to University courses. As far as I can see you cannot gain a degree with them or get a certificate, however, you can gain insight into many topics on University level and keep up-to-date in your field for free. The good thing here is that you do not need to sign up: Just choose your topic and start watching. Acadoceo: Acadoceo offers a vast range of free articles from improving study abilities to advice for startups. They also have an academy that you need to sign up for. However, there are only three courses available one of which is “How to start a WordPress Blog”. This topic is available widely for free on the internet so I feel its not yet necessary to sign up here.

Alison: Alison is one of the oldest free online learning organisations. They offer courses on topics from healthcare to lifestyle, and if you finish your course with an assessment score of 80%, you can become an Alison Graduate. There are certificates that you can purchase to add to your CV. Unfortunately, they fund themselves via advertising, which can be a little annoying. However, if you have 50£ to spare you can have it ad-free. It’s an easy way to learn in your own time, and the learners’ dashboard shows your stats which can be very motivating.

gif source: giphy

So peeps I am done here. Mount Everest is climbed, and I deserve to wander off to the long earth or simply to a cup of tea.

Take care of yourselves, be kind and don’t give up because we can do it!

video credit: Radio Free Europe via YouTube

Just one more thing before you go: The hospital that is treating me for cancer is fundraising for a dedicated breast cancer unit which would allow same-day diagnosis and better premises for patients and staff.

Please, if you can spare a little money hop over to their Just Giving Page and give as little or much as you can. Or share the page on your social media. Your support means a lot to me! Thank you very much.